Reasons why Article Marketing Works

A situation many newbies in online business find themselves in is having a great website and a good product but no customers. This is a problem that a lot of newbies in online business face and you must ask yourself how can they come to you if the don't know about you. The obvious answer is to market you website but dong this, you think, involves spending money you don't have on advertising and so on. Wrong - article marketing is free (if you can do it yourself) and is one of the most effective marketing tools available to you.

Forget all the marketing theory you have come across - marketing is simply the action of creating interest in your products (and your business) and article marketing is a great way to do this. To understand article marketing just do a search for a product the way any person looking for information would - you will find a lot of results that are articles about the product.

Go through these articles and you will find that by and large, they provide readers with information about the products in which they are interested in a manner that makes them feel they have gained knowledge about it and are better equipped to make a buying decision. If the article contains hard sell of the product it is nothing more than an ad and the reader will rate it accordingly, but with an informative article he will feel he is getting real value and give it far more attention.

This is article marketing and is what you need to do - give readers value and increase their interest. Of course you need to promote your business interest so you can put in a few words about the fact that you can supply the product. An alternative, if the ezine or website permits, is to put in a few lines about the author (you) and give your contact details so those who want to know more can contact you. Do this for a few weeks and soon enough there will be people who remember you for the information you have given them and your association with the product. Who do you think they will contact when they decide to but - you, of course.

There are a large number of ezines and site you can post your articles on, some free and some of which you will have to pay for: but the important thing to always remember is that your competition will be doing the same thing so the quality of what you offer will determine how successful your article marketing efforts are.

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