Bulk Punycode Converter - Punycode to IDN / IDN to punycode

Punycode Converter - Punycode to IDN / IDN to punycode

Punycode is a way to define foreign character IDNs (International Domain Names) which has special characters called Unicodes in the domain names. These Unicode charters are converted into ACII characters and displayed only in English letters A to Z, digits 0 to 9 and the hyphen (-) character. These special character exists in different European or foreign languages such as Chinese, Arabic, Japanese etc. in the domain names.

To encode punycode into computer friendly domains "xn--" is added in front of domain. For example "Malmö" (Sweden City Name) would be encoded as "xn--Malm-8qa"

Our tools works in both ways. It convert punycode domain names to IDN and IDN to punycode. Our tool is fast and efficient and does 100% accurate conversion in bulk.

How To Use It:

You can use this tool for Punycode to IDN and vice-versa conversion. Simply select IDN to punycode for the conversion of Unicode to ACII and Punycode to IDN for ACII to Unicode conversion.

Enter Links/URLs Per Line:

IDN to punycode Punycode to IDN

Converted Result: