The key to online business success is article marketing and if you learn it, you have a great and cost effective marketing tool at your disposal. You don't need great writing skills to do this - all you need is a good command of the language, a thorough understanding of the product or service you are marketing and a business like approach to the writing process. Your starting point to learning article marketing is to have a detailed knowledge of what you are marketing - this is not as easy as some people think. Know the product or service specs, use it yourself to understand it better, see what competitors are offering, read and evaluate complaints and visit discussion groups to see what people are saying about it.
Once you know your product and where you stand in the market, you will have to start developing a list of product related topics to write about - topics that either address market concerns or provide users with information about it. The best approach to this is to focus on the advantages your product or service offers users as well as countering any negative impressions that the market may have about it. Your articles need to be search engine optimized but at the same time, they should not be directly selling what you have to offer - the basis of article marketing is indirectly selling by providing information that evokes the interest of potential customers. Work on the list till you have around 25 plus topics to write about.
This may seem a lot but in reality it is not enough as article marketing is all about keeping a constant flow of new articles in circulation so that readers are regularly fed something new and your search engines rankings stay high. You can turn your 25 plus topics into a large number of articles by writing about each topic from a different angle so that while the topic may be the same, the reader is given a new approach to it - finding 5 different way of writing about each topic is not hard. You will now have over a hundred articles and if you schedule posting two or three a day you have a stock of articles that will keep you going for around two months.
You can save a lot of time and effort by creating a template for your articles so that each time you get down to writing, your article format is ready for you. The template should be simple and define the size of the articles, the structure and how much space will be devoted to the introduction, the main content and the conclusion.
There is much more to learn about article marketing, but these initial steps are enough to get you started and your skills will increase as you gain experience.
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