Measuring SEO ROI With Google Analytics
SEO investments can be difficult to evaluate. One key to accurately measuring ROI lies in understanding how and which metrics matter when measuring its return. In this article, we'll look at Measuring SEO Return On Investment with Google Analytics so you can assess the success of your own SEO campaigns.
Measuring SEO Return On Investment (ROI) involves comparing the revenue you gain from SEO efforts against their costs. Achieve a positive return means your financial gains outstrip investments made into SEO campaign; while negative ROI could indicate your strategy isn't producing desired results and should be reviewed immediately.
Step one in calculating SEO ROI is to identify which KPIs are most significant to your business, which typically include leads and sales generated through your website. Leads and sales can easily be tracked using CRM tools like HubSpot, Kissmetric and Adobe Analytics; leads can also be monitored using Google Analytics 4 by creating Events which indicate conversions with monetary values attached to them.
Once you know the cost of your SEO campaign based on average conversion rate and price per sale (or lead), calculate ROI using total revenue generated by ranking for one particular keyword minus its budget amount.